Monday, April 26, 2010

Check out this awesome givaway!

Such a sweet giveaway from a sweet blogger!

I don't own any RBL's but I would love to someday!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Best Nail Polish Ever Happens to be Hidden Treasure!

So this is Sally Hansen's Salon Manicure in Hidden Treasure, over two coats of OPI's Done Out in Deco. Oddly enough I only had to go to two drugstores before I found this beautiful lady! The Walgreens that I did find it at had a full display, well everything except for "silver lining" which was already sold out. They also had a ton of other LE polish displays like the scented Revlons, mabeline 60 Seconds, SH insta-dry's, and sinful specialty colors.

This is pure gorgeousness, and I cannot wait to try it over a dark color :). The first picture shown is with flash and the second is without!